Friday, 10 May 2013

Celebrity news - Pop star peace keepers

Voulez vous like to take a chance on a new museum that’s opened in Stockholm? If you’ve got the money, money, money to spend on a trip to Sweden, you could er be a dancing queen or er a man after midnight. Mamma mia, I have a dream that I’m recording celebrity news, going on and on and on, and struggling to shoehorn in as many song titles as I can into the opening sentences. Actually it’s less of a dream world and more of a nightmare. I wonder if you know what I’m talking about? More importantly, does your mother know?

Of course she does. I saw it in the mirror, and other newspapers. ABBA, Scandinavia’s biggest export after flatpack furniture, bleak crime drama and equine meatballs, have their very own museum. You can see a veritable shedload of ABBA related stuff, including costumes, interactive exhibitions and a helicopter. No idea what the helicopter’s about, maybe the Swedish super troupers helped evacuate Saigon in 1975. Or maybe they used it to feature in those adverts for brand new housing estates. I reckon that’s about right. I do, I do, I do, I do, I do.

I also reckon that we may have to re-think ABBA’s assertion that the winner takes it all. One glance into the showbiz abyss shows really famous boyband Union J pumping out PR faster than something really fast, like Sally Gunnel perhaps. Union J came fourth on one of those TV talent shows and have taken it upon themselves to be the peacemakers of the popworld. This week they’ve urged fellow chart botherers One Direction and The Wanted to end their feud. Rumours, that I’ve started, have it that next week the boys will be off to Pyongyang to persuade North Korea’s chief chubster, Kim Jong Wotsisface to like chill out or whatever. Good luck lads.  
And once Union J are done with the north they could nip south to Seoul to comfort Psy. The Gangnam Style and Gentleman rapper has been attacked on Twitter by Green Day's Billie Joe Thingy who called him the "herpes of music". Which is a little rash.

Hear this kind of thing go out on the actual radio, every Friday morning on Erewash Sound. or 96.8fm locally.

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