Thursday, 27 March 2014

Tonight's Telly - Celebrity Dangle

Don't miss
Celebrity Dangle - PlusFive 8.30pm
Celebrity version of the popular Andy Crane fronted quiz show where contestants hang from ever increasing heights while being asked increasingly tough trivia questions.

This week Colin Murray goes head to head and upside down against Judith Chalmers.

Film Pick
Rising Infection - MovieSponge 9.30pm
Chilling zombie horror starring Robert Lindsay as a brave British scientist battling against mortis australianus or the Australian death. A deadly disease breaks out of a soap opera set, spreading across the globe and turning all it touches into mindless, bumbling corpses whose every ungodly utterance sounds like a question for which there is no answer.  (15) Contains horror, gore, extreme peril and constant rising inflection.

Best of the rest
How to Cook Good Naked - Diane 9pm
Fashion's very own Gok Wan whips up the perfect pud in the nud and shows you how to get the most out of your dumplings.